The Concept of Sociatry Beyond Moreno - Designing and Crafting Societies that Value the Collective Good: What IAGP and EAGT Might Bring to the World!


  • Kate Bradshaw Tauvon


Palabras clave:

Sociatry, Sociometry, Moreno


We can take inspiration from the arts, poets, writers and musicians to tune our senses to each other. JL Moreno, a founder of IAGP, who together with his wife Zerka and others, developed Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, considered the intermediary parts of the self to be body, psyche and society. This article describes Sociatry, the study of the ways we interweave our co-existence, which can be measured through the instrument of sociometry. According to Moreno, we are born to the role of Creative Genius, which we can use to rouse the autonomic healing centre in each one of us. In this paper the author gives some examples of how this can be used and focuses on our connection with our biosphere, our zone of life on Earth. She asks how we can together, within all our networks, use our skills and knowledge to the best effect to address the fundamental questions for humanity concerning resilience - the capacity to live, persist and develop with changing conditions in a globally intertwined world of humans, societies and nature.






Investigación Científica