About the Journal

The FORUM for Group Psychotherapies and Processes is dedicated to advancing the understanding and application of group dynamics across a variety of settings. This journal serves as a platform for a wide range of scholars, including psychotherapists, educators, organizational consultants, academic researchers, and corporate advisors, to share innovative research, practical insights, and theoretical developments.

By providing a multidisciplinary  plataform, the FORUM for Group Psychotherapies  and Processes aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of how group processes can be harnessed to improve outcomes across various domains. The journal encourages submissions that offer new insights, challenge existing paradigms, and propose innovative approaches to group work, ensuring relevance to both academic and practical applications.

The FORUM for Group Psychotherapies and Processes operates independently from the International Association for Group Psychotherapy (IAGP), which provides funding. The IAGP has no influence over the quality standards or scientific requirements established by the Editorial Board for the journal's publications. This ensures that the integrity and academic rigor of the journal are maintained without external interference.

Since 2024 on, the FORUM for Group Psychotherapies and Processes adopted continuous publication, gathered in a single annual issue. Authors can submit manuscripts at any time by https://forum.iagp.com/revista/about/submissions

Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims & scope of the journal will be FORUM for Group Psychotherapies and Processes  are committed to diversity and inclusion in publishing. We encourage submissions from a diverse range of authors from all countries and backgrounds.

Key Areas of Interest

Group Psychotherapy

  • Exploration of therapeutic techniques and their effectiveness in various populations.
  • Comparative studies of different group therapy models.
  • Case studies illustrating successful therapeutic interventions and their outcomes.

Group Dynamics and Processes

  • Examination of the underlying mechanisms that drive group behavior and interaction.
  • Research on conflict resolution, cohesion, and communication within groups.
  • Studies on the impact of group leadership styles on group performance and satisfaction.

Organizational and Workplace Group Processes

  • Analyses of team dynamics in corporate settings and their impact on productivity and innovation.
  • Strategies for enhancing teamwork and collaboration in organizations.
  • Case studies on successful organizational interventions and their long-term effects.

Educational Group Processes

  • Research on group learning methods and their effectiveness in various educational contexts.
  • Innovative practices for fostering group collaboration and engagement in classrooms.
  • Studies on the role of group work in developing social and cognitive skills among students.

Community and Social Group Processes

  • Investigations into the dynamics of community groups and social movements.
  • Research on the role of group processes in promoting social change and community development.
  • Case studies of community interventions and their outcomes.

Psychoanalysis and Group Analysis

  • Exploration of psychoanalytic group therapy methods, including the approaches of S. Foulkes.
  • Studies on the efficacy and outcomes of group analysis in various therapeutic settings.
  • Research on the integration of psychoanalytic concepts within group therapy.

System-Centered Therapy

  • Examination of system-centered therapy approaches and their impact on group dynamics.
  • Case studies and research on the application of system-centered therapy in different group settings.           

Psychodrama and Sociodrama

  • Studies on the use of psychodrama in group therapy and its therapeutic benefits.
  • Research on the effectiveness of psychodramatic techniques in resolving psychological and social issues within groups.
  • Cases on the effectiveness of sociometric interventions in identifying and addressing social networks and interpersonal relationships within groups.

Example Topics

  • The application of Foulkes’ group analysis techniques in modern therapeutic settings.
  • The integration of psychoanalytic principles in group therapy for trauma survivors.
  • Effectiveness of system-centred therapy in managing organizational change.
  • The use of Moreno’s psychodrama to facilitate emotional expression and healing in therapy groups.
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy for anxiety disorders.
  • Dynamics of peer-led support groups for chronic illness management.
  • The role of group cohesiveness in enhancing team performance in corporate projects.
  • Innovative group teaching methods that improve student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • Strategies for managing group conflicts in multicultural organizations.
  • The impact of leadership styles on group innovation and creativity.
  • Community-based group interventions aimed at reducing social isolation among the elderly.
  • Group dynamics in virtual teams and their influence on remote work productivity.
  • Use of sociodrama techniques to enhance social skills, empathy, and conflict resolution.
  • Sociometric methods in assessing and improving group cohesion and dynamics in therapeutic and organizational contexts.

Manuscripts can be submitted either in English or Spanish by this link:   https://iagpFORUM.emnuvens.com.br/revista/about/submissions

FORUM for Group Psychotherapies and Processes offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle of free and democratization of public access to scientific knowledge.

To maximize the dissemination and use of published material, FORUM for Group Psychotherapies and Processes adopts the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 license. Thus, copyright will belong to the authors, with others being allowed to distribute, remix, adapt and create from their work, even for commercial purposes, as long as due credit is given.

FORUM for Group Psychotherapies and Processes uses the PKP PN system to create a file system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration by LOCKSS.

FORUM for Group Psychotherapies and Processes is an official publication of IAGP -  International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes.